首页 / 新闻 / 闻名世界的艺坛巨匠——中国艺术品鉴会耿佃友作品欣赏


姓名:耿佃友,艺名:石山,汉族,男,1941年生,山东淄川人。自幼酷爱美术、雕塑,余时好悟自学,到60年代始作画参展,国画《鱼水情》在青岛市及部队画展中首次获二、三等奖后因工作及条件限制,休笔多年:,80年代末父始笔作画,在本市区画展中获奖。退休后,暮年辛勤耕耘,艺术日趋完臻,建树个人风格。其主要作品如:《沧桑人生》《齐人间》《山魂水韵》《拥抱太阳》等均在全国大展中获奖。《恋苍山》于2000 年被文化部国际网展录用。《云雾漫灵山》2001年选录《中国美选》。《山魂水韵》于2002年被大型典集《现代绘画》录用《春耘》于2002年在中国科技文化成果博览会书画大展中获金奖。为祝贺老年人,2002年老人节作画《情恋夕阳》在全国“三立杯”书画大展中被收藏。2003年纪念毛泽东诞辰110周年书、画均获奖,并由毛泽东的女儿李敏收藏。2004年纪念邓小平100周年画作被中国人民军事博物馆收藏。另外还有多部书画作品被全国、省、市分别录选编入多部“典、集、册”出版,每年多次被邀参加在京召开的文化、新闻、学术、艺术、出版、表彰、评选等相关会议活动,还应邀参加国际优秀作品评选及书画展销、文化交流等活动。2004 年被收入“世界优秀专家人才名典”。2018年与2020年两次被邀与习近平主席合出台历,在我国政府文化企业界高端发行。2022年又被选为由防疫专家钟南山与江苏省书协主席孙晓云共出台历,同样在我国高端发行。

由于在艺术上取得较好成果,2000 年后相继被中国老年书画研究会及世界民族文化交流促进会、中国书画艺术家协会、国际美术家协会等分别接纳为会员,以后又被北京九州书画院、香港画院、世界文化艺术研究中心等全国多家艺术单位受聘于顾问、监理、高级研究员、常务院士等职位。还享誉教授、美术师、高级工艺师等职称。2005 年被授予“优秀中华文艺家百业杰出人才、百名行业风云人物、创业功勋、功勋艺术家”。2006 年评为”中国书画名家和评为当代中国书画收藏市场最具收藏价值艺术家”。同时部分作品被中国艺术名家网和富贵网录用并应中国艺术“北京荣宝斋”之邀举办个人画展。是年被中国名家书画院聘为名誉院长。2009年获中国艺术名家终身成就奖,同年被聘为“中国当代艺术协会副主席”。2010年被授予“中华人民共和国杰出书画大师”。中国非物质文化遗产领军人物与被聘于中国国家书画院、中国翰林书画艺术院副院长等十几家知名艺术单位任职(兼职)同年由(“世纪英才”邀编《当代书画谱》一书,还并与刘大为、沈鹏二位老师同编大型丛书《艺术大师三人行》丛书,由权威出版社公开发行。)2012年被授予“感动中国杰出文化传承人”及被推荐“中国艺坛三大家”和“中华五名家”并合成精典出版大型丛书公开发行,2012年春,其书画作品被权威部门鉴定为国宝级艺术品,十几年来每逢被邀参加全国各类型书画大展均以优异的成绩获得大奖。耿友老师于2020




Due to achieving good results in art, after 2000, he was successively accepted as a member by the China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, the World Ethnic Cultural Exchange Promotion Association, the China Calligraphy and Painting Artists Association, and the International Artists Association. Later, he was employed as a consultant, supervisor, senior researcher, executive academician, and other positions by multiple art units nationwide, such as the Beijing Jiuzhou Calligraphy and Painting Institute, the Hong Kong Academy of Painting, and the World Cultural and Art Research Center. He also enjoys professional titles such as professor, artist, and senior craftsman. In 2005, he was awarded the title of “Outstanding Chinese Literature and Art Artist, Outstanding Talent in All Industries, Top 100 Industry Figures, Entrepreneurial Merit, and Meritorious Artist”. In 2006, he was awarded the title of “Famous Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Master” and “Most Valuable Artist in the Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Collection Market”. At the same time, some of the works have been accepted by China Art Masters Network and Fugui Network, and a personal art exhibition has been held at the invitation of China Art “Beijing Rongbaozhai”. In that year, he was appointed as the honorary dean of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. In 2009, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Artists and was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the China Contemporary Art Association in the same year. In 2010, he was awarded the title of “Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Master of the People’s Republic of China”. Leading figure in China’s intangible cultural heritage and employed by the National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy In the same year, he was invited by “Century Talents” to compile a book called “Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Genealogy”, and also co authored a large series of books called “Three Artists’ Journey” with Liu Dawei and Shen Peng, which was publicly released by authoritative publishing houses. In 2012, he was awarded the title of “Outstanding Cultural Inheritor Moved by China” and was recommended as “Three Masters of Chinese Art” and “Five Famous Chinese Artists” And he published a large series of classic books for public release. In the spring of 2012, his calligraphy and painting works were identified as national treasure level artworks by authoritative departments. For over a decade, he has been invited to participate in various types of calligraphy and painting exhibitions nationwide and has won awards with excellent results. Teacher Geng You in 2020

Recommended leaders in contemporary art in 2020 at the Third Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, the Third Session of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and the Second National Congress. In order to repay his hometown, he founded the Zibo Sculpture Research Institute in 1996 and was appointed as its director. The large-scale jade carving “Mermaid” created in 1997 was praised by multiple art units and news media, causing social effects. The porcelain sculpture (Mao Zedong) was accepted by the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and the Great Hall of the People.

And it is sold by the Beijing tourism department to countries and regions such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and some are given as gifts to international friends.

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