Feng Jian’an, also known as Meisu, has a stage name of Shujian and is the owner of Moteshai. He was born in July 1977 in Xinhui, Guangdong, with a bachelor’s degree. He is a member of the Communist Party of China, an art educator, and an excellent calligraphy and painting instructor. National first-class artist; Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee; Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Artists Association; Member of the Chinese Couplet Association; Researcher of the Calligraphy Professional Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Cultural and Artistic Development; Honorary Vice President of Shandong Qingdao Branch of Beijing Contemporary Hanmo Culture and Art Academy; Director of Guozhen Art Garden Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Member of the People’s Art Artists Committee; Member of the National Federation of Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art Circles; Painter appointed by Zhongxuan Shengshi International Painting and Calligraphy Academy; Member of the Zhongxuan Shengshi Cultural and Art Exchange Center of the Chinese Couplet Association; Member of the Committee for the Development of Traditional Chinese Culture; Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Art Network “Super Calligrapher and Painter”; Member of the National Calligraphy Teaching Alliance for Primary and Secondary Schools; Collect academic guidance and invited artists for the National Digital TV Channel program; Art consultant for the “Times People” program group on the middle school student channel.
应物象形 随类赋彩——记著名书画家冯健安
在当代画坛,书画家冯健安的作品是一个独特的存在!他的丹青画法深师古风,但是独有借古开今的主旨经营智慧,古法不古板,笔墨当随时代!他把传统画法磨砺到炉火纯清,善用兼工带写的娴熟技法创作盛世当歌的丹青大格局。把旧式文人画意予把玩的小家子气,尽悉革除,让山水、花鸟、人物作品合成时代精神的镜像,观其画大振心颜,有磅礴之势,也有淋漓之盛,生成了当代新文人画的新面目! 搞好绘画创作,第一要义是把造型问题解决完美。当下,有俗笔作画,笔力不足,造型不精,画出来的东西糊涂一片,法不正宗,技不精湛,却言是“表现主义”。这种不依法度而进行的了草涂抹,把东方审美重视形神兼备的美术原则抛到了九霄云外!弄出来的中国画,仅存其名,绝无其实。反观冯健安先生中国画作品,可以兼工带写,工笔写实,出神入化,精益求精,绝不含糊。写意传神,遂心应手,天质自然,游刃有余。