首页 / 新闻 / 闻名世界的艺坛巨匠——中国艺术品鉴会张德华作品欣赏


张德华,职业画家、中国美术家协会会员、国家一级美术师,南京师范大学美术学院油画专业,师从著名画家徐明华郝家贤。 中国文联世界名人艺术研究协会副主席、宋庄国际书画院终生院长、学院派艺术家。荣获中国艺术终身成就奖、联合国国际总统艺术奖、中国艺术金像奖。当代中华爱国艺术家。台北故宫书画院客座教授,终身名誉院长,联合国国际文艺家总会理事。中美文化交流形象大使,国际文化艺术形象大使。 英国皇家艺术研究院首席艺术家兼高级顾问,并授予世界文化名人,瑞典皇家艺术学院授予荣誉博士。被世界收藏家协会、世界富豪俱乐部、中国紫光阁国礼中心指定签订为签约画家。 多幅画作发表并参加国际巡展,展出国家有迪拜、德国、美国、新加坡、联合国一带一路十国巡展,被国内外收藏家收藏。美术执教多年,数十名学生被国内外艺术名校高分录取。

Zhang Dehua is a professional painter, member of the China Artists Association, and a national first-class artist. He majored in oil painting at the School of Fine Arts at Nanjing Normal University and studied under the famous painter Xu Minghua and Hao Jiaxian. Vice Chairman of the World Celebrity Art Research Association of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Lifetime Dean of the Songzhuang International Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and Academic Artist. Received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Chinese Art, the United Nations International Presidential Art Award, and the Chinese Art Golden Statue Award. Contemporary Chinese patriotic artist. Visiting Professor, Lifetime Honorary Dean, and Member of the United Nations International Federation of Literary and Artists at the Taipei Palace Museum Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Ambassador of cultural exchange between China and the United States, and ambassador of international cultural and artistic image. The Chief Artist and Senior Advisor of the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK, and awarded the title of World Cultural Celebrity, while the Royal Academy of Arts in Sweden awarded an honorary doctorate. Appointed and signed as a contracted artist by the World Collectors Association, World Rich Club, and China Ziguangge National Ritual Center. A number of paintings were published and participated in the international tour exhibition. The exhibition countries include Dubai, Germany, the United States, Singapore, and the United Nations the Belt and Road 10 countries tour exhibition, which were collected by collectors at home and abroad. I have been teaching art for many years, and dozens of students have been admitted to prestigious art schools both domestically and internationally with high scores.


观赏当代知名油画家张德华的绘画作品,可以体察到他的画法具有扎实的功底,造型准确,透视合理,赋彩朴真!非常深厚的专业根底,让他成为油画段位中的大手笔。他的作品无一例外都创造着独具特色的封神品质,取得了师于古典而功于时代的油画赫绩! 他执着油画审美的人文表达,通过画笔去触及人的精神世界和情感世界。带着饱满的热情推动创作,作品的精神主旨从来不会缺位。画风景在于抒情感,画人物在于察人生。油画塑造方向指向精神高度,经过精心研究油画古典主义与现代主义的融合,获得了当代油画表情达意、体现精神的法度密码,参悟到真正的画理与画道,从孜孜以求油画的形象塑造为出发点,走上了用油画意境赋歌时代的高点! 从出发点到高点的攀登过程中,他长期行走于山川河流,坚持写生积累,走师法造化的磨砺路径,不把自己闭锁在书屋里臆画风景,而是把风景的朴茂质感非常真实非常传神地移画到作品里。因此他的油画创作近似于中国画的创作境界,外师造化中得心源。每一幅风景作品,也即是独与天地精神往来的构思所成。 他行万里路,读万卷书,不做画匠,专致神通。观山岳,渡河川,状物写生从不停辍。因此他的画风可以接地气,不傲不骄,以服务大众审美需求为宗旨,用画笔体察人生百味,创建油画的精神家园,把普通的风景或是普通的人物当成创作的主题,体现着让油画走下神坛,美入平凡。正是基于这种塑造打动众人之心的艺术定力,他的油画作品才会成为大众审美的上品。实践油画审美的平凡意识,把艺术创作的姿态放得很低,所取得的成绩却是很高,这就是法不欺人,功不欺世的实践证见! 作为专业的知名画家,他的风景创作非常尊重艺术本有的规则,不写江湖油画,也不画别人看不懂的抽象作品,而是以古典和印象的双重加持,在守住基本造型的基础上,再加几分印象主义的光影幻景,技不欺人。他师于正规,不墨守际规,把古典主义与印象主义的精华,吸纳并融兑成油画创新的动能,产生了雅俗共赏的油画新格局。风景有四季,制美是恒常。他的油画人物作品,具有精神塑造的高度和心灵探究的深度,拥有对人物形神概括提取的法则,驱动心源而造意象,表达人生的感念。人物经过他的洗练呈置,姿态动人,生动传神,最是人文精神的切意表达。 笔力雄浑画精神,心胸坦荡写人文。张德华作品整体上看带有粗犷的艺术风格,但是在粗犷雄浑的气魄里,又有当代文化的典雅气息,壮阔美与典雅美相容通向了褪尽铅华,塑造质朴宁静的文化之路!剔除造作,保留纯真,油画艺术为时代赋歌,为理想赋赞的价值观,让他的油画无论在主题还是在主旨上,都占据了高位,创建了不凡!

Watching the paintings of renowned contemporary oil painter Zhang Dehua, one can appreciate his solid foundation in painting techniques, accurate modeling, reasonable perspective, and simple and genuine color rendering! His profound professional foundation has made him a master in oil painting. His works, without exception, have created unique divine qualities and achieved remarkable achievements in oil painting, which is both classical and contemporary! He adheres to the humanistic expression of oil painting aesthetics and touches the spiritual and emotional world of people through his brushes. With full enthusiasm to promote creation, the spiritual theme of the work is never absent. Painting scenery lies in expressing emotions, while painting characters lies in observing life. The direction of oil painting shaping points to a spiritual height. After careful research on the integration of classicism and modernism in oil painting, we have obtained the legal code for contemporary oil painting to express emotions and reflect spirit. We have come to understand the true principles and techniques of painting, and from striving for the image shaping of oil painting as the starting point, we have reached the pinnacle of the era of using oil painting artistic conception to sing songs! During the climbing process from the starting point to the high point, he walked through mountains, rivers, and rivers for a long time, adhering to the accumulation of sketching and following the path of learning from nature. He did not confine himself to the study room to imagine the scenery, but instead transferred the simple and lifelike texture of the scenery into his works with great realism and vividness. Therefore, his oil painting creation is similar to the creative realm of Chinese painting, and he gained inspiration from the external cultivation. Every landscape work is conceived solely through the interaction with the spirit of heaven and earth. He travels thousands of miles, reads thousands of books, does not work as a painter, and specializes in supernatural powers. Observing mountains, crossing rivers, and never stopping sketching from life. Therefore, his painting style can be grounded, not arrogant or arrogant, with the purpose of serving the aesthetic needs of the public. He uses his brush to appreciate the full flavor of life, creates a spiritual home for oil painting, and regards ordinary landscapes or characters as the theme of creation, reflecting the way oil painting takes off the altar and beauty enters the ordinary world. It is precisely based on this artistic concentration that shapes and touches the hearts of everyone that his oil paintings become the top quality of public aesthetics. Practicing the ordinary consciousness of oil painting aesthetics, placing the posture of artistic creation very low, but achieving high results, this is the practical evidence that the law does not deceive people, and the achievements do not deceive the world! As a well-known professional painter, his landscape creation highly respects the inherent rules of art. He does not write martial arts oil paintings or abstract works that others cannot understand. Instead, he uses a dual blessing of classicism and impression, while maintaining the basic form, and adds some Impressionist illusions of light and shadow, without deceiving others.He learned from the formal, not adhering to the international rules, absorbed and blended the essence of classicism and impressionism into the kinetic energy of oil painting innovation, resulting in a new pattern of oil painting that both refined and popular enjoy. The scenery has four seasons, and beauty is constant. His oil painting character works have a high level of spiritual shaping and a deep exploration of the soul, with the principles of summarizing and extracting the form and spirit of the characters, driving the heart to create images and express the emotions of life. After his training, the characters are presented in a moving and vivid manner, which is the most sincere expression of humanistic spirit. The brushstroke is powerful and the spirit of painting is vigorous, while the heart is open and writes about humanities. Overall, Zhang Dehua’s works have a rugged artistic style, but in their rugged and vigorous spirit, there is also an elegant atmosphere of contemporary culture. The compatibility of grandeur and elegance leads to the fading of lead and the shaping of a simple and peaceful cultural path! The values of eliminating artificiality and preserving innocence, and the art of oil painting singing songs for the times and praising ideals, have made his oil paintings occupy a high position in both the theme and the main theme, creating extraordinary!




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