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出版《全球华人艺术名家》艺术专刊、《世界艺术大师三人行》、《中国当代艺神-黄永玉、张渊崧双人集》、《中国艺术百年》、《中国艺术传世名家》、《新中国书画八大家》、《国家文艺名人专访特刊》、《中国艺术功勋人物》、《中国诗书画100大家》、《100名东方巅峰艺术家》、《中国梦一迎接中华民族伟大复兴艺术创作精品集》、《国家荣耀荣誉家》、《魅力中国书画五大名家》、《中国诗书画年鉴》、《榜样中国一2010年中国文艺金榜》、《中国当代艺术巨匠》、《中印艺术大师》、《中国顶尖书画家张澜崧特刊》等90多本画册,起到艺术广泛交流宣传启示的社会作用。2013年参加中美艺术家交流在纽约展出两幅书法作品获金奖;2012年中法建交50周年。书法作品在巴黎展、出获优秀作品奖。并入编(中国当代美术家、书法家大辞典》(1949-2013版)及最新版《共和国艺术家辞海》。中国文联国际出版社2013年出版《全国书画作品最具收藏价值三十名艺术家》本人入编15页。2014年10月入编《中国书画收藏最具投资价值二十位艺术家》一书第9页,该书由中国国家书画网、中国当代收藏家协会、中国国际艺术出版社出版发行。并担任中华国礼中心特邀书画名家。2014被中国文化艺术人文协会增补为协会第三届副主席,2014 年 3 月被文联,中国国家书画院,政协院授予“国家艺术奖”金奖。并授予“国家艺术家”荣誉称号。

Zhang Yuansong, male, Han nationality. Born on February 8, 1940 in Dali County, Shaanxi, Huaye worked as a professor, researcher, and chief physician in the Medical Department of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has worked at Shaanxi Central Affiliated Hospital, Dali Hancun Hospital, Dali Renhou Hospital, Beijing Air Force Hospital, Tianjin Traditional Chinese Medicine Outpatient Department Oncology Department, Hubei Oriental Traditional Medical College, and Tianjin Xiqing Yonghong Hospital. Currently serving as the Director of the Oncology Branch of the Rheumatology Research Institute of the Chinese Traditional Medicine Research Association; Senior Researcher, China Asia Pacific Economic Development Center; Invited Researcher of the Education Committee of the China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association; Chief Expert and Visiting Professor of the Enterprise Development Center of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences. First level professor at the International Institute of Health and Medical Research, PhD in Traditional Medicine, and academician at the World Academy of Traditional Medical Sciences in the United States. Super scribe, super artist. Previously edited by People’s Daily, including “Life Mottoes”, “Selected Chinese Virtue Poems”, “Selected Chinese Contemporary Virtue Proverbs”, “Chinese and Foreign Philosophical Proverbs”, “Selected Poems and Proverbs of Famous Chinese Scholars”, “Collection of National Studies and Art”, “Classic Poems and Proverbs of 21st Century Celebrities”, “Selected Poems and Proverbs of Outstanding Communist Party Members of the Republic”, “Scholars Who Influenced China”, “Great Achievements of Chinese National Studies”, “Entering Everyone” More than 100 poems and calligraphy works have been published in works such as “The Collection of Contemporary Chinese Hundred Poets and Poets”, “The Republic’s Meritorious Assistance in Celebrating Mao Zedong”, and “Ode to the Great People of the Century”. My 22 years of hard work and practice in Tianjin have been recognized and recognized by the medical and artistic communities. Exhibition at the Chinese Academy of Art. First level writer.

In October 2008, the Chinese Academy of Arts decided to add him as a lifelong executive member of the Chinese Academy of Arts. In June 2009, he was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the China Contemporary Art Association. In October of the same year, he was named the Person of the Year in Chinese Art. In September 2010, he was jointly awarded the honorary title of “International Famous Artist” by five units: Beijing People’s Academy of Painting, China Famous Calligraphy and Painting Academy, China Artists Association, and China Excellent Technical Talent Exchange Association. In December 2010, he was awarded the honorary title of “Chinese Literary and Artistic Leader” by the China Association for the Exchange of Literary and Artists, the Beijing Calligraphy and Painting Artists Association, and the China Famous Artists Association. On the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy in February 2011, the Italian Chinese Culture Year Art Exhibition won the gold medal at the Da Vinci International Art Awards. In April of the same year, the Mountain China Culture and Art Association was added as honorary president. In June of the same year, he was appointed as the lifelong dean of Beijing Songzhuang International Calligraphy and Painting Academy. In July, he was appointed as the Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Shuxi Professional Committee of the China Artists Exchange Association. On the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, it has been awarded three honorary titles by judges from Beijing Yizhibi Calligraphy and Painting Academy, China Famous Artists Association, China Artists Exchange Association, and China Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting Research Institute, including “Chinese Proud Child” and “China Famous Art Master”.

Published an art special issue titled ‘Global Chinese Art Masters’,’ A Journey of Three World Art Masters’, ‘A Collection of Contemporary Chinese Art Gods – Huang Yongyu and Zhang Yuansong’, ‘A Century of Chinese Art’, ‘Chinese Art Inherited Masters’,’ Eight Great Masters of New China Calligraphy and Painting ‘,’ Special Interview of National Literary and Art Celebrities’, ‘Meritorious Figures in Chinese Art’, ‘100 Great Masters of Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting’, and ‘100 Top Eastern Artists’ More than 90 art albums, including “The Chinese Dream: Welcoming the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation”, “National Honor and Honor Master”, “The Five Charming Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters”, “The Yearbook of Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting”, “Model China -2010 Chinese Literature and Art Gold List”, “Chinese Contemporary Art Masters”, “China India Art Masters”, “Zhang Lansong, China’s Top Calligrapher and Painter Special Issue”, have played a social role in extensive artistic exchange, promotion, and inspiration. In 2013, he participated in the Sino American Artist Exchange and exhibited two calligraphy works in New York, winning a gold medal; The 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France in 2012. Calligraphy works were exhibited in Paris and won the Outstanding Works Award. And included in the “Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Artists and Calligraphers” (1949-2013 edition) and the latest version of the “Dictionary of Artists of the Republic”. In 2013, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles International Publishing House published “Thirty Artists with the Most Collection Value of National Calligraphy and Painting Works”, which was edited by me for 15 pages. In October 2014, he was included in the 9th page of the book “Twenty Artists with the Most Investment Value in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Collection”. The book was published and distributed by China National Calligraphy and Painting Network, China Association of Contemporary Collectors, and China International Art Publishing House. And served as a specially invited calligrapher and painter at the Chinese Ritual Center. In 2014, he was appointed as the third vice chairman of the China Cultural, Art, and Humanities Association. In March 2014, he was awarded the “National Art Award” gold medal by the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the China National Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. And awarded the honorary title of “National Artist”.




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