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Du Wenhan (Han) was born in Tianjin in 1942. He is a national first-class artist, senior calligrapher, national ritual artist, honorary doctorate of the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, visiting professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, researcher at the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center, and lifelong honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association. His paintings cover multiple genres, blending Chinese and Western elements, and his style is rigorous. Calligraphy is highly ancient, catching up with the Qin, Han, Wei and Jin dynasties, and casting the essence of famous artists of all ages. Calligraphy creation is in awe of tradition and has profound skills. Adhere to the style of truth, goodness, and beauty in creation, with an ancient and dignified, handsome and free spirited style of writing. Calligraphy works have a strong aesthetic ideal and romantic spirit, as well as a strong era style and unique style.

Since 1963, a large number of calligraphy and painting works have been published and published in major newspapers and magazines. I have participated in national calligraphy and painting exhibitions and won multiple awards. Some calligraphy and painting works have been collected by the Chinese Art Museum and local art galleries. Many works have been passed down both domestically and internationally. Some works were collected by the heads of state and government officials along the the Belt and Road as national ceremonies. Art Biography has been included in multiple dictionaries and publications, including “Selected Works of Chinese Art” (painting volume, calligraphy volume), “Dictionary of World Artists”, “Archives of Famous Artists – Chinese Artists Going International”, “Leading China – Contemporary Art Volume”, “Praising the Winter Olympics”, “Art of Great Countries”, “The Road to Art”, and so on, published by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House. The research paper titled “Du Wenhan’s Reflections on the Inheritance and Innovative Practice of Chinese Calligraphy” won the first prize in educational research achievements.

Du Wenhan is a virtuous and artistic figure with high social reputation and influence. He has achieved outstanding achievements in the field of culture and art, making outstanding contributions to the development of China’s cultural and artistic cause. He has a strong patriotic spirit and has been awarded the “National Honor Award”. After authoritative evaluation by the official jury, he has been awarded the honorary titles of “National Top Ten Outstanding Meritorious Artists” and “National Treasure level Art Master”. It won the “the Belt and Road · International Golden Globe Award” to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the “United Nations Art of Peace Award” awarded by UNESCO, the “United Nations Art Lifetime Achievement Award”, the “World Art Meritorious Figures” and the “United Nations Medal of Culture and Art”, the “Nobel International Art Prize” and other honorary titles.


Four screens in spring, summer, autumn, and winter


Bai Juyi’s Three Poems in Memories of Jiangnan

《书斋联 题碧山书屋》清·邓石如



The Book Studio Couplet Inscription of the Bishan Book House “by Deng Shiru of the Qing Dynasty

Canghai Day, Chicheng Xia, Emei Snow, Wuxia Cloud, Dongting Moon, Pengli Smoke, Xiaoxiang Rain, Wuyi Peak, Lushan Waterfall, a combination of cosmic wonders, and the painting of Wuzhai Wall.

Shaoling’s poetry, Mojie painting, Zuo Zhuanwen, Sima Shi, Xue Tao Jian, Right Army Tie, Nanhua Jing, Xiangru Fu, Qu Zi Lisao, collecting ancient and modern unique skills, and setting up my mountain window.


The highest goodness is like water


All rivers run into sea



Zhou Yiju: “The Heavenly Moving and Healthy Gentleman Continuously Strives for self-improvement, and the Earthly Gentleman Carries Things with Virtue”


A poem by Du Fu titled ‘A vast mansion with thousands of rooms, a great shelter for all the poor in the world, and a peaceful mountain without moving wind and rain’


Mao Zedong’s “Spring in Qinyuan: Snow”


Nian Nujiao – Red Cliff Nostalgia “by Su Shi


Silk Road Spirit

《心系复兴伟业 描绘时代宏图》

Revitalizing the Great Cause of Heart, Describing the Grand Plan of the Times

《黜奢崇俭 益寿延年》

Abandoning extravagance, advocating thrift, and prolonging one’s life


Orchid Pavilion Preface



《行远自迩 业精于勤》

Traveling far and far, striving for excellence and diligence


The Golden Age of Dragon Teng


A Quick Success




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