首页 / 新闻 / 闻名世界的艺坛巨匠——中国艺术品鉴会黄吴怀作品欣赏


黄吴怀,1939 年出生,原籍广西来宾市武宣县,现定居北京。1964 年于北 京传媒大学本科毕业,退休前任中央台资深记者,主任编辑。现为中国书法家协会会员、中国艺术学会常务委员会终身常务委员、中国书法艺术研究协会副主席、联合国美术家协会副主席、世界华人美术家协会副主席、东京中国书画院高级院 士、中国书画名家研究会副会长、芝加哥美中文化艺术中心首届名誉顾问、中国 民族文艺家协会艺术发展部终身副部长、世界华人艺术网艺术顾问、宋庄国际书画院终身名誉院长、新华人物网名誉主席。

Huang Wuhuai, born in 1939, originally from Wuxuan County, Laibin City, Guangxi, and currently residing in Beijing. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Beijing Communication University in 1964 and retired as a senior journalist and chief editor at CCTV. He is currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a lifelong executive member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Art Association, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Art Research Association, Vice Chairman of the United Nations Artists Association, Vice Chairman of the World Chinese Artists Association, Senior Academician of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Academy in Tokyo, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters Research Association, Honorary Advisor of the First Sino American Cultural and Art Center in Chicago, and Lifetime Vice Minister of the Art Development Department of the Chinese Ethnic Artists Association Art Advisor of World Chinese Art Network, Lifetime Honorary Dean of Songzhuang International Calligraphy and Painting Academy, andHonorary Chairman of Xinhua People Network.

2007 年香港国际拍卖有限公司沈阳艺海拍卖代理中心授予“特级书画家 ” 和“最具投资人物 ”、“中国当代实力派书画家 ”等荣誉称号。2008 年被国际中 华人才专家协会、全民迎奥运艺术委员会办公室等 8 家单位及组织机构评为和授 于“奥运人文风尚杰出艺术家 ”荣誉称号并获得“奥运人文艺术成就奖——艺术 类金奖 ”;2009 年 6 月中国民族文艺家协会授予“共和国 60 年功勋文艺家 ”荣 誉称号; 2009 年 12 月被聘为国务院中国亚太经济合作中心国(宾)礼特供艺 术家;在日本举办的中日友好文化艺术交流展中荣获“金奖 ”和“ 中日文化艺术 交流突出贡献奖 ”及“杰出艺术家 ”称号;在印尼雅加达世界华人艺术精品大展 中获“金奖 ”并被授于“突出贡献华人艺术家 ”荣誉称号;2010 年在美国举办 的世界华人艺术精品大展中授予“ 中美文化艺术交流使者 ”、和“华人艺术功勋奖 ”荣誉称号;2011 年 3 月被中国国际现代艺术研究中心授予“当代书法艺术名家 ”、和“高级研究员 ”荣誉称号;2012 年度中国大都会美术基金会主办,博 德瑞(北京)国际文化发展中心承办《名家书画大展赛》中荣获“ 中国最具影响 力艺术大师 ”荣誉称号;被聘为中国大都会艺术博物馆馆长;2013 年 1 月被聘 为中国诗书画联盟网名誉主席;2013 年 1 月被聘为英国皇家艺术研究院荣誉院 士、客座教授;2013 年 3 月被聘请担任中国书画黄页网首席艺术家;2013 年 5 月被聘为新华艺术网艺术委员会副主席;2013 年 6 月被中国文学艺术研究会授 予“全国书画作品最具收藏价值 30 名艺术家 ”荣誉称号;2013 年 7 月被聘为中 国数字艺术馆馆长;2013 年 9 月被聘请担任宋庄艺术网艺术总监;2013 年 11 月被中国艺术人物网任命为学术委员会联席主席;2013 年 12 月被中国艺术名家 研究院聘为副院长;2014 年 4 月被中国艺术人物网、中国艺术人物网学术委员 会、中国兰亭工艺美术奖评委会授予“ 中国兰亭工艺美术终身成就奖 ”;2014 年 5 月被中国书画黄页网、新华人物网、中国艺术名家研究院评为“ 国际金马艺术 奖 ”———终身艺术成就奖;2015 年 8 月被中国书画黄页网、新华人物网、中国民族文化研究院授予“ 中国文化艺术类终身成就奖—金羊奖 ”。

In 2007, the Shenyang Yihai Auction Agency Center of Hong Kong International Auction Co., Ltd. awarded honorary titles such as “Super Calligrapher and Painter”, “Most Investment Figure”, and “Contemporary Chinese Powerful Calligrapher and Painter”. In 2008, he was awarded the honorary title of “Outstanding Artist in Olympic Humanities” by 8 units and organizations including the International Association of Chinese Talent Experts and the Office of the National Olympic Welcoming Art Committee, and was awarded the “Olympic Humanities and Art Achievement Award – Art Gold Award”; In June 2009, the China NationalLiterature and Art Association awarded the honorary title of “60 Years of Meritorious Literature and Art of the Republic”; In December 2009, he was appointed as a guest artist of the State Council China Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Center; Received the titles of “Gold Award”, “Outstanding Contribution Award for Sino Japanese Cultural and Art Exchange”, and “Outstanding Artist” at the Sino Japanese Friendship Cultural and Art Exchange Exhibition held in Japan; Received the “Gold Award” and was awardedthe honorary title of “Outstanding Chinese Artist” at the World Chinese Art BoutiqueExhibition in Jakarta, Indonesia; Awarded the honorary titles of “Ambassador of Sino American Cultural and Art Exchange” and “Chinese Art Merit Award” at the 2010 World Chinese Art Boutique Exhibition held in the United States; In March 2011, he was awarded the honorary titles of “Contemporary Calligraphy Art Master” and “Senior Researcher” by the China International Center for Modern Art Research; In the 2012 “Famous Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Competition” hosted by the China Metropolitan Art Foundation and hosted by the Bodrui (Beijing) International Cultural Development Center, it was awarded the honorary title of “China’s Most Influential Art Master”; Appointed as the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in China; In January 2013, he was appointed as the honorary chairman of the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting Alliance website; Appointed as an Honorary Fellow and Visiting Professor of the Royal Academy of Arts in January 2013; In March 2013, he was hired as the chief artist of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Yellow Pages website; Appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Art Committee of Xinhua Art Network in May 2013; In June 2013, he was awarded the honorary title of “Top 30 Artists with the Most Collection Value of National Calligraphy and Painting Works” by the China Literature and Art Research Association; Appointed as the director of the China Digital Art Museum in July 2013; Appointed as the Art Director of Songzhuang Art Network in September 2013; In November 2013, he was appointed as the co chairman of the Academic Committee by China Artists Network; In December 2013, he was appointed as the Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Art Masters; In April 2014, he was awarded the “China Lanting Arts and Crafts Lifetime Achievement Award” by the China Artists Network, China Artists Network Academic Committee, and the China Lanting Arts and Crafts Award Jury; In May 2014, he was awarded the “International Golden Horse Art Award” – Lifetime Art Achievement Award by China Calligraphy and Painting Yellow Pages, Xinhua People’s Network, and China Academy of Art Masters; In August 2015, he was awarded the “Golden Sheep Award for Lifetime Achievement in Chinese Culture and Art” by China Calligraphy and PaintingYellow Pages, Xinhua People’s Network, and China National Culture ResearchInstitute.

2016 年 4 月被中国书画黄页网、毛泽东思想学术研究院授予“ 中国文化艺 术节金猴奖终身成就奖 ”;2016 年 6 月被毛泽东思想学术研究院聘请担任名誉院 长。2016 年 8 月被中国艺术家收藏协会聘为“名誉副会长 ”;2016 年 8 月被中国 当代艺术出版社授予“2016 年度中国艺术金笔奖 ”;2017 年 5 月被世界艺术学会 聘为“荣誉主席兼艺术顾问一职,任期终身 ”并授予“2017 世界最美艺术大师 荣誉称号 ”。2017 年 7 月 1 日被中国国际诗书画印出版社授予“新时期最佳文艺 创作奖.金奖 ”暨“最美艺术家 ”荣誉称号;2017 年 9 月 25 日被中国艺术百科聘 为“终身艺术总监 ”;2017 年 10 月被香港特别行政区书画院聘为副院长;2017 年 5 月被世界艺术学会聘为荣誉主席兼艺术顾问一职任期终身,2017 年 10 月荣 获中国国家书画网颁发的“ 中国艺术金钻奖 ”;2017 年 11 月被英国皇家艺术研 究院聘为“首席艺术家兼高级顾问 ”(终身);2017 年 11 月被世界文艺家联合会 授予“感动世界艺术人物 ”;2017 年 11 月被世界文艺家企业家交流中心授予“国 际德艺双馨艺术家 ”荣誉称号,并荣获“ 国际文艺特别贡献奖 ”金奖;2017 年 12 月被中国国学学会聘为终身“名誉会长 ”;2017 年 12 月被中国黄页网聘请为 艺术委员会主任一职,2017 年 12 月被中国书画黄页网、毛泽东思想学术研究院、 香港特别行政区书画院、中国文化艺术节组委会,授予“十大国宝级艺术家 ”荣 誉称号;2018 年 5 月被中国书画黄页网、毛泽东思想学术研究院、中国文化艺 术节组委会授予中国文化艺术节终身成就奖《金犬奖》。2019 年 7 月被臻藏天下 书画交易中心聘为名誉主席;2019 年 7 月被瑞典皇家艺术学院授予“世界瑰宝 艺术家 ”荣誉称号;2019 年 9 月被中国收藏指南网聘为签约艺术家,2019 年 9 月被中国收藏指南网和中国收藏指南网艺术评估委员会评为中国当代最具收藏 价值艺术家;2019 年 9 月被瑞典皇家艺术学院聘为终身外籍院士;2019 年 9 月 被新丝路国际书画院聘为名誉院长。2019 年 5 月被北京童忆文化艺术馆授予“新 中国十大先锋人物 ”;2019 年 10 月被国家艺术出版社授予“建国 70 载功勋艺术 家 ”;2019 年 10 月被中国收藏家协会吸收为会员;2019 年 10 月被中国艺术家润 格网、中华国礼出版社评为中华国礼艺术大师;2019 年 11 月被中国书画黄页网、中华国礼出版社授予“大匠之门六大艺坛宗匠 ”。

In April 2016, he was awarded the “Lifetime Achievement Award of the GoldenMonkey Award at the Chinese Culture and Art Festival” by the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Yellow Pages website and the Mao Zedong Thought Academic Research Institute; In June 2016, he was appointed as the honorary dean of the Mao Zedong Thought Academic Research Institute. In August 2016, he was appointed as the “Honorary Vice President” by the China Artists Collection Association; In August 2016, he was awarded the “2016 China Art Golden Pen Award” by China Contemporary Art Publishing House; In May 2017, he was appointed as the “Honorary Chairman and Art Advisor” by the World Art Society for a lifetime, and was awarded the “2017 World’s Most Beautiful Artist Honorary Title”. On July 1, 2017, he was awarded the “Best Literary and Artistic Creation Award in the New Era, Gold Award” and the honorary title of “Most Beautiful Artist” by China International Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Printing Press; Appointed as the “Lifetime Art Director” by China Art Encyclopedia on September 25, 2017; Appointed as Deputy Dean of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Academy of Painting and Calligraphy in October 2017; In May 2017, he was appointed as the Honorary Chairman and Art Advisor of the World Art Society for a lifetime. In October 2017, he was awarded the “Chinese Art Diamond Award” by China National Calligraphy and Painting Network; Appointed as the “Chief Artist and Senior Advisor” by the Royal Academy of Arts in November 2017 (lifelong); In November 2017, he was awarded the title of “Touching World Artists” by the World Federation of Literary and Artists; In November 2017, he was awarded the honorary title of “International Moral and Artistic Double Happiness Artist” by the World Center for Literary and Artistic Entrepreneurs Exchange, and was awarded the gold medal of the “International Special Contribution Award for Literature and Art”; In December 2017, he was appointed as the lifelong “Honorary President” by the Chinese Academy of Chinese Studies; In December 2017, he was hired as the director of the Art Committee by China Yellow Pages Network. In December 2017, he was awarded the honorary title of “Top Ten National Treasure level Artists” by China Yellow Pages Network, Mao Zedong Thought Academic Research Institute, HongKong Special Administrative Region Calligraphy and Painting Institute, and the

Organizing Committee of China Culture and Art Festival; In May 2018, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award “Golden Dog Award” by China Calligraphy and Painting Yellow Pages, Mao Zedong Thought Academic Research Institute, and the Organizing Committee of the China Culture and Art Festival. Appointed as honorary chairman by the Zhencang Tianxia Calligraphy and Painting Trading Center in July 2019; In July 2019, he was awarded the honorary title of “World Treasure Artist” by the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts; In September 2019, he was hired as a contracted artist by China Collection Guide Network. In September 2019, he was rated as the most valuable contemporary collectible artist in China by China Collection Guide Network and China Collection Guide Network Art Evaluation Committee; Appointed as a lifelong foreign academician by the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts in September 2019; In September 2019, he was appointed as the honorary dean of the New Silk Road International Calligraphy and Painting Academy. In May 2019, he was awarded the title of “Top Ten Pioneers of New China” by the Beijing Tongyi Culture and Art Museum; In October 2019, he was awarded the title of “Artist with 70 Years of Merit in the Founding of the People’s Republic of China” by the National Art Publishing House; In October 2019, he was admitted as a member of the Chinese Collectors Association; In October 2019, he was awarded the title of Master of Chinese Ritual Art by Chinese Artist Runge.com and China Ritual Publishing House; In November 2019, he was awarded the title of “Six Masters of the Great Craftsman’s Gate” by China Calligraphy and Painting Yellow Pages and China NationalRites Publishing House.

一生把书法看作生命的流衍,在书法艺苑中,耕耘不缀。在继承传统书艺的 同时,刻意追求个性、艺术性、欣赏性和时代感,把多种书体融于自己的作品中, 进入了草、行、楷皆精的境界。近十多年来创作的作品多次在国家级博物馆参加 全国性书画展。被人民日报、北京晚报、北京青年报、北京电视台、《中国收藏》、 《中国近代现代书画名家经典》、中国艺术鉴藏杂志社出版的“ 中国书法大家” 三人集,人民网、中国书画家联谊会主办的中国书画拍卖网、雅昌网、中国书画

出版社主办的翰墨艺术网等几十种报纸、书刊、网络、传媒登载和介绍,受到国内外书法爱好者、收藏家的喜爱和收藏。中央台领导出国访问,用作礼品赠送各 国政要,得到以色列总统魏茨曼的赞赏。2007 年 6 月,在美国芝加哥市成功举 办了一个月的个人书法展览,部分作品被美国一些收藏家所收藏。2011 年 8 月, 在人民大会堂书画室当场书写的巨幅书法作品毛泽东的《沁园春•雪》被人民大 会堂收藏。2023 年被录入中国艺术家信息公示系统,2023 年被授予“兰亭奖终身成就奖 ”,此奖项是中国书法领域最高奖项。

Throughout one’s life, calligraphy is regarded as the flowof life, and in the field of calligraphy art, we strive

tirelessly. While inheriting traditional calligraphytechniques, we deliberately pursue individuality, artistry, appreciation, and a sense of the times, integrating various styles of calligraphy into our own works, and entering a realm of excellence in calligraphy, calligraphy, and regular script.The works created in the past decade have participated innational calligraphy and painting exhibitions at nationalmuseums multiple times. The collection of “Masters of Chinese Calligraphy” published by People’s Daily, Beijing Evening News, Beijing Youth Daily, Beijing Television, “China Collection”, “Classic of Modern Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters”,and China Art Collection Magazine, as well as dozens ofnewspapers, books, magazines, networks, and media outlets such as China Calligraphy and Painting Auction Network, YachangNetwork, and Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Publishing Housesponsored by People’s Daily, Beijing Evening News, BeijingYouth Daily, Beijing Television, and China Art CollectionMagazine, It is loved and collected by calligraphy enthusiasts and collectors both domestically and internationally. Central Taiwan leaders visited abroad as gifts to politicians from various countries andreceived praise from Israeli PresidentWeizmann. In June 2007, a one month personal calligraphyexhibition was successfully held in Chicago, USA, with some of the works being collected by some collectors in the United States. In August 2011, Mao Zedong’s huge calligraphy work “Spring Snow in Qinyuan”, written on the spot in the calligraphy and painting room of the Great Hall of the People, was collected by the Great Hall of the People. In 2023, it was included in the Chinese Artist Information Publicity System and was awarded the “Lan ting Award Lifetime Achievement Award”, which is thehighest award in the field of Chinese calligraphy.

挥淋浓墨 笔底千花

中国收藏书画专刊 2008 年第一期对黄吴怀书法作品的点评

黄吴怀的书法创作,法古人而不泥古人,其结字布局有成法而无 定法,笔底千花,随心所欲。黄吴怀善于用墨的厚薄体现出不同的艺 术追求。其浓墨行书条幅,笔墨淋漓间,如飞流直下,奔腾千里;其 干笔焦墨作品,如渴马奔泉,势不可挡。中国书法的艺术本质是线条 点画,黄吴怀在书法中融入了现代审美意识,把传统书法与现代观念


中国收藏书画专刊 2008 年第二期对黄吴怀书法作品的点评

黄吴怀的书法作品可谓个性突出。方正规整的汉字在他的笔下像 被施了魔法,一个个在纸上活灵活现,宛转屈曲的形体竟有些战国鸟 虫书的味道,但字体的神韵又与纯粹装饰趣味的鸟虫书不同,而被赋 予了书者轻松随意的灵动性格。中国“书画同源 ”的理念在他的作品


A thousand flowers on the bottom of a thickink brush

Comment on Huang Wuhuai’s Calligraphy Works in the

First Issue of the Chinese Collection of Calligraphy

and Painting in 2008

Huang Wuhuai’s calligraphy creation follows the ancients but does notadhere to them. The layout of his characters has a fixed pattern but nota fixed pattern, with a thousand flowers on the bottom of his pen, andhe is free to do as he pleases. Huang and Wu are good at using ink, andthe thickness reflects different artistic pursuits. Its thick ink runningscript has banners, and the ink drips profusely, like a flying streamflowing down for thousands of miles; His dry ink works areunstoppable, like a thirsty horse running towards a spring. The artistic essence of Chinese calligraphy is line painting. Huang Wuhuai integrated modern aesthetic consciousness into calligraphy, combining traditional calligraphy with modern concepts, and achieved uniqueartistic effects.

Comment on Huang Wuhuai’s Calligraphy Works in the

Second Issue of the Chinese Collection of Calligraphy

and Painting in 2008

Huang Wuhuai’s calligraphy works can be described as havingoutstanding personalities. Under his pen, the regular and squareChinese characters seemed to have been enchanted, one by one vividlyappearing on paper. The curved shape had a somewhat Warring Statesbird insect book flavor, but the charm of the font was different from

the purely decorative bird insect book, and was endowed with theauthor’s relaxed and casual agility. The concept of “homology between calligraphy and painting” in China has been best interpreted in his works.




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