首页 / 新闻 / 闻名世界的艺坛巨匠——中国艺术品鉴会杜秉才作品欣赏


杜秉才 ,笔名:君子 ,男 ,汉, 1954 年 12 月 ,现任沈阳军区 联勤部机关人事劳动办公室副局级退休干部。现为中国国学研究会名 誉会长,中国书法家协会会员,中国楹联书法艺术委员会委员,中华诗词家协会理事, 中国收藏家协会会员。

书法作品在国内外大赛中获奖 80 多次,30 余次获得一、二等奖,有的作品在报刊上发表,有的刻碑,有的编入辞典或被收藏。入选中国书协主办的第四届全国书坛新人展;全国第七届书法篆刻展;首届 敦煌国际书法艺术节,首届中国书法艺术节书法展;纪念邓小平诞辰100 周年全国大型书法展;全军中国书协会员书法精品展等。

作品分别辑录《中国当代艺术家名人大辞典》、《中国美术书法界名人名作博览》、《中国当代名人书法大典》等 160 余部典籍。

Du Bingcai, pen name: Junzi, male, Han. In December 1954, he is currently a retired cadre at the deputy bureau level of the Personnel and Labor Office of the Joint Logistics Department of the Shenyang Military Region. He is currently the HonoraryPresident of the Chinese National Studies Association, amember of the Chinese

Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Couplet Calligraphy Art Committee, a memberof the Chinese Poets Association, and a member of the Chinese Collectors Association.Calligraphy works have won more than 80 awards indomestic and international competitions, and have won first and second prizes more than 30 times. Some works have beenpublished in newspapers, some have been engraved ontablets, and some have been included in dictionaries or collections. Selected for the 4th National Book Industry Newcomer Exhibition organized by the China Book Association; The 7th National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting

Exhibition; The first Dunhuang International Calligraphy ArtFestival and the first Chinese Calligraphy Art Festival

Calligraphy Exhibition; Commemorating the 100th anniversaryof Deng Xiaoping’s birth, a large-scale national calligraphy exhibition; Exhibition of calligraphy masterpieces by members of the Chinese Calligraphy Association throughout the army. The works are compiled from over 160 classic books,including the “Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Artists and Celebrities”, the “Exhibition of Famous Works in the Chinese Art and Calligraphy Industry “, and the “Chinese Contemporary Celebrity Calligraphy Classic”.




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