首页 / 新闻 / 闻名世界的艺坛巨匠——中国艺术品鉴会倪虎桥作品欣赏



倪虎桥; 1951 年生于中国上海 ,世界名人, 中华名人;世界教  科文卫专家组成员;国家人事部中国人才研究会艺术家委员会特级书  画委员。中国美术家协会理事,中国书法家协会会员,中国书画家协  会名誉主席,上海精英会,名人财富书画院副院长,师董会导师。自幼受艺术熏陶,苦练基本功画工扎实,随后发展出自创一派的书画风  格 ,被予为“梦境书画”。《蝉趣》入选全国美展在朵云轩展出。《熊  猫》获“ 中华艺术杯”全国书法大赛一等奖。《雪梅》获“红岩杯” 全国书画大赛特等奖。《盛夏》被美国国际艺术中心评为银奖。《枫叶蝉》被国际美术家联合会评为国际金奖。《宁静致远》入选“纪念  孔子 2250 周年”书画大赛获“成就奖”,2013 年皈依西藏白玛上师, 法名:扎西盖西.千朵红莲。其部分作品具备特殊功效(招财纳福、改运、顺势)。多次参加扶贫帮困和慈善事业的公益活动 ,被授予献  爱心模范艺术家荣誉称号。2002 年 10 月,获得中国当代优秀书画   人才称号。被美国世界名人科学院院长朱光明评为“世界之最”。美  国国际艺术中心授予世界书画名人成就奖。香港国际书画院副院长 , 世界书画家协会成员 ,上海民族画院高级画师。2019 年, 5 月, 中   国书协理事会评审,中国最具影响力,50 位书法名家。2020 年十三  届全国人大三次会议 ,全国政协三次会议 ,全国两会推荐 2020 ,当  代艺术领军人物 ,2020 年 9 月 ,被评为, 中国当代最具投资收藏价  值书画名家,荣誉称号,2019 年,11 月被中国书画家协会特聘名誉主席 ,终身制。2019 年 1 月被艺商会 ,国际交流合作艺术委员会聘为国际艺术顾问 ,和世纪巨匠。2020 年 6 月 ,被师董会(北京) ,信息科技有限公司,特聘为师董会导师,并为早期 10 位全国人大代表,副委员长作画。

Ni Huqiao; Born in Shanghai, China in 1951, he is a world-renowned and Chinese celebrity; Member of the World Expert Group on Education, Science, Culture and Health; Special level Calligraphy and Painting Committee Member of the Artists Committee of the China Talent Research Association of the Ministry of Human Resources. Director of the China Artists Association, member of the China Calligraphers Association, Honorary Chairman of the China Calligraphers and Painters Association, Shanghai Elite Association, Vice President of the Celebrity Wealth Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and mentor of the Teacher’s Board. Having been influenced by art since childhood, he diligently practiced basic skills and became a solid painter. Later, he developed a unique style of calligraphy and painting, which was known as “Dream Calligraphy and Painting”. “Cicada Fun” was selected for the National Art Exhibition and exhibited at Duoyunxuan. Panda won first prize in the National Calligraphy Competition of the Chinese Art Cup. “Snow Plum” won the special prize in the “Red Rock Cup” National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. Summer has been awarded the Silver Award by the International Art Center in the United States. Maple Leaf Cicada has been awarded the International Gold Award by the International Federation of Artists. Tranquil Zhiyuan was selected into the “2250 Anniversary of Confucius” Calligraphy and Painting Contest and won the “Achievement Award”. In 2013, he converted to Guru Baima in Xizang. His legal name is Zhaxi Gaixi. Thousand Red Lotus. Some of his works have special effects (attracting wealth and fortune, improving luck, and taking advantage of the situation). I have participated in multiple public welfare activities related to poverty alleviation and charity, and have been awarded the honorary title of Model Artist for Giving Love. In October 2002, he was awarded the title of Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Talent in Contemporary China. Rated as the “world’s greatest” by Zhu Guangming, President of the World Celebrity Academy of Sciences in the United States. The International Art Center of the United States awarded the World Celebrity Achievement Award in Calligraphy and Painting. Vice President of the Hong Kong International Painting and Calligraphy Academy, member of the World Calligraphers and Painters Association, and Senior Painter at the Shanghai Ethnic Painting Academy. In May 2019, the Council of the Chinese Calligraphy Association evaluated 50 of China’s most influential calligraphers. In 2020, the Third Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, the Third Session of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and the National Two Sessions recommended 2020 as a leading figure in contemporary art. In September 2020, he was awarded the title of “Most Valuable Calligrapher and Painter in Contemporary China” and the honorary title. In November 2019, he was specially appointed as the Honorary Chairman of the China Calligraphers and Painters Association, with a lifetime tenure. In January 2019, he was appointed as an international art consultant and a century master by the Chamber of Arts and the International Exchange and Cooperation Art Committee. In June 2020, he was specially appointed as a mentor by the Board of Directors (Beijing) and Information Technology Co., Ltd. He also painted for 10 early National People’s Congress deputies and vice chairmen.




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